Nutrition tests

Identifying the underlying deficiencies impacting your health.

(Read Traditional Chinese version 跳至繁體中文版)

Good nutrition is key to your wellbeing. But getting enough nutrition from your diet is easier said than done in Hong Kong.

No matter how clean and well you eat, factors like poor soil quality, pesticides and long-haul food importation, pollutions, toxins and stress, can significantly affect your nutritional profile.

Studies show that 97% of Hong Kongers have suboptimal levels of calcium, 60-70% have suboptimal levels of magnesium, and 80-90% have suboptimal levels of iron.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to a range of minor to severe health issues. Fatigue, osteoporosis, hair loss, anaemia, poor immunity, sugar cravings, mood disturbances, mouth ulcers, bleeding gums – and so much more.

It’s too easy to mistake your symptoms for something else, which is why we recommend you test, don’t guess.

Our industry-leading expert tests can identify the underlying nutritional deficiencies impacting your health and wellbeing.

Depending on your symptoms, your practitioner may suggest one or more of the following nutrient blood tests. These individual tests will determine your vitamin and mineral levels.

Each test is priced individually and the average cost of tests range from HK$440 to HK$880, however some may cost as little as HK$80 or as much as HK$2840. To find out the price for the vitamin(s) or mineral(s) you need testing, please contact us using the form below, or call our reception.

If you’re unsure, you can speak to our integral health advisor or your naturopath for advice on which test would be best for you.

** Serum level and RBC level

  • Vitamin A
  • Beta Carotene
  • Vitamin D Total - HK$680
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12 (active form)
  • Serum or RBC Copper
  • Serum or RBC Manganese
  • Serum or RBC Selenium
  • CoQ10
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Phosphorus
  • Serum or RBC Folate
  • Iron & Ferritin
  • Serum or RBC Zinc
  • Serum or RBC Magnesium
  • Serum or RBC Calcium
  • RBC Chromium

Measure your blood levels of Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 (RBC Folate), B12 (Active), C, D (25-OH or total) and vitamin E.

Cost: HK$4500

Sample Report

Analyse your red blood cells (RBC) to determine the status of vitamins and minerals in your system. With a small blood sample, we can test for deficiencies or excesses of elements that are of high importance to cell function, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, iron, boron, and molybdenum.

These imbalances can lead to a range of health issues like anaemia, cardiovascular disease, impaired glucose tolerance, immune function challenges, inflammation, gastrointestinal symptoms and more.

RBC element analysis is also useful for assessing ongoing or very recent exposure to specific toxic elements like arsenic, cadmium, lead, methylmercury and thallium that tend to accumulate in red blood cells. Do keep in mind that elevated levels of the toxic elements in these cells reflect recent or ongoing exposure and do not provide information about the net retention of the metals in the body.

What makes this test stand out from many other red blood cells element tests is the fact that the cells are not washed. Your results will not be skewed by the partial loss of important elements that bind to the plasma membrane.

Cost: HK$3850

Sample Report

A similar test can be arranged for Whole Blood Cell Element (with Heavy Metals)

Determine imbalances, insufficiencies, or excesses of extracellular circulating elements that have essential or beneficial functions in your body. This test is useful if you are experiencing alopecia, anemia, depression, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s-like symptoms and more.

This test also determines elevated or excessive levels of eleven potentially toxic elements.

Your IMI Doctor will choose the RBC Elements or Whole Blood Elements for your needs.

Cost: HK$3850

Test your primary fat-soluble vitamins including Vitamin D (total), D2, D3, Beta Carotene, Retinol (a form of Vitamin A), Vitamin E (Tocopherol alpha and gamma) and Vitamin K. These antioxidant nutrients are involved in multiple protective and regulatory functions and can be impacted by nutrient-poor diets, smoking, excess alcohol, malabsorption and more.

This test also analyses CoQ10, which can be depleted by exercise training and ageing.

Doctor’s Data Fat Soluble Vitamins Serum is an excellent complement to the RBC Elements or Whole Blood Elements tests on minerals and heavy metal toxins.

Cost: HK$3300

Sample Report

Measure your levels of the primary forms of folate (B-9) in plasma. This test is useful for assessing folate levels related to prenatal care, nutritional deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, neurotransmitter imbalances, detoxification challenges, genetic disorders, behavioural disorders and more.

Cost: HK$3080

Sample Report

Measure your levels of amino acids to determine nutrient adequacy and the effects of any deficiencies. This urine test can indicate the absorption of amino acids from dietary proteins, as well as their metabolism. It can also indicate vitamin and mineral deficiencies, particularly magnesium, vitamin B6, B9 (folate), and B12, that are needed for the metabolism of amino acids. The test can aid in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal dysfunctions, protein intolerances, renal and liver dysfunction, susceptibility to occlusive arterial disease (homocysteine), susceptibility to inflammatory response and oxidative stress, reduced detoxification capacity and more.

Cost: HK$3350

Sample Report

Measure the critical balance between essential Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as your levels of trans fatty acid with this quick finger prick test. Omega 3 deficiency leads to increased inflammation related diseases and trans fats are a cardiovascular toxin.

Many diets have excessive omega 6 to omega 3, which can accelerate conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline. Imbalances can also contribute to health conditions including chronic pain, depression, hair and skin related conditions, obesity, autoimmune disorders, hormonal disorders, behavioural disorders.

Cost: HK$1895

Sample Report

What's next?

If you'd like to define your health profile, our team of naturopaths can help you identify which tests would be best based on your health needs.Alternatively, if you know the exact test you need, you can book it with one of our medical doctors.

Simply call +852 2523 7121 or complete your request below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Traditional Chinese version 繁體中文版


攝取足夠而優質的營養素是身體健康的關鍵,但研究顯示,97%的香港人鈣含量不理想,60-70% 的鎂含量不理想,80-90% 的鐵含量不理想。由於實行營養豐富的均衡飲食比較困難,再加上劣質土壤、殺蟲劑、進口食品在運輸過程中的營養流失、污染、毒素和壓力等因素都會影響您對維他命和礦物質的攝取量。



** Serum level and RBC level

  • Vitamin A
  • Beta Carotene
  • Vitamin D Total - $680
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12 (active form)
  • Serum or RBC Copper
  • Serum or RBC Manganese
  • Serum or RBC Selenium
  • CoQ10
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Phosphorus
  • Serum or RBC Folate
  • Iron & Ferritin
  • Serum or RBC Zinc
  • Serum or RBC Magnesium
  • Serum or RBC Calcium
  • RBC Chromium

測量您血液中的維他命 A、B1、B2、B3、B6、B9(RBC 葉酸)、B12(活性)、C、D(25-OH 或總量)和維他命 E 的水平。

價錢: HK$4500





價錢: HK$3550


全面的血細胞測試(含重金屬分析),確定在您的身體中具有基本或有益功能的細胞元素的不平衡、不足或過量。 此測試特別適合患有脫髮、貧血、抑鬱、心血管疾病、帕金森樣症狀等患者,更會檢查11種潛在有毒元素的水平。


價錢: HK$3550

測試您的主要脂溶性維他命:包括維他命 D、D2、D3、β-胡蘿蔔素、視黃醇(維他命 A 的一種形式)、維他命 E(α-生育酚和γ-生育酚)和維他命 K。這些抗氧化營養素參與多種保護和調節功能,並可能受到營養不良的飲食、吸煙、過量飲酒等影響。


價錢: HK$3300


測量血漿中主要形式的葉酸 (維他命B9) 的水平。 可用於評估與產前保健、營養缺乏、心血管疾病、神經遞質失衡、排毒、遺傳疾病、行為障礙等相關的葉酸水平。

價錢: HK$3080


測量您的氨基酸水平以確定身體內的主要營養是否足夠。 這種尿液測試可以顯示膳食蛋白質中氨基酸的吸收以及新陳代謝。 還會顯示維他命和礦物質的缺乏,尤其是氨基酸代謝所需的鎂、維他命B6、B9(葉酸)和 B12。 該測試可以幫助診斷胃腸功能障礙、蛋白質不耐受、腎和肝功能障礙、對閉塞性動脈疾病(同半胱胺酸)的敏感度、對炎症反應和氧化應激的敏感度、排毒功能降低等。

價錢: HK$3350


測量身體必需 Omega-6 和 Omega-3 脂肪酸之間的關鍵平衡,以及反式脂肪酸水平。缺乏奧米茄 3 會導致炎症相關疾病風險增加,而反式脂肪則是一種心血管毒素。

許多飲食中含有過量的奧米茄 6 和奧米茄 3,進食後會加速心血管疾病和認知能力下降等問題。 還可能導致其他健康狀況,包括慢性疼痛、抑鬱、頭髮和皮膚相關問題、肥胖、自身免疫系統疾病、荷爾蒙失調、行為障礙等。

價錢: HK$1895


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