
Dr Monica Xu (ND)


Naturopathic doctor

BSc (Hons) Nutritional Science (US);

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (US)


Dr Monica Xu (ND)

Naturopathic doctor

BSc (Hons) Nutritional Science (US);

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (US)


Dr Monica Xu (ND)

Naturopathic doctor

BSc (Hons) Nutritional Science (US);

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (US)

Areas of expertise

  • Brain health – memory decline and cognitive performance
  • Digestive health – bloating, irregular bowel movements, constipation, indigestion, leaky gut, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Heart health – elevated blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Environmental problems – heavy metal toxicity, toxic mould illness, hayfever, pimples and more
  • Hormonal imbalances – insulin resistance, oestrogen dominance syndrome, chronic fatigue, menopause, autoimmune conditions, men’s and women’s health
  • Weight loss and management

“My mission is to optimise your vitality, quality of life, and wellbeing. Aging is inevitable but age-related degenerative illnesses are optional.”

Dr Monica Xu is a US trained naturopathic doctor who chooses the best of conventional and natural therapies when treating age-related illnesses.

Prior to relocating to Hong Kong, Dr Xu has been practicing naturopathic medicine and regenerative treatments in the US. Having suffered from age-related health conditions and being a patient herself, Dr Xu understands the importance of integrative approach and continuous care.

Although Dr Xu has the privilege to prescribe pharmaceuticals, she prefers and specializes in using nontoxic, natural compounds to promote the healing of age-related degenerative changes. These include formulated herbal extracts, compounded vitamins and minerals, natural hormones, diet and lifestyle modifications.

In her practice, she listens to her patients’ needs, identifies the root cause of their problems often using appropriate lab and functional medicine tests, followed by individualized treatment plans and continued support. Her dedicated care and integrative treatments have helped her patients to reclaim ownership of their health, regain their confidence and welcome more joy into their lives.

Prior to becoming a naturopathic doctor, Dr Xu has worked with Johns Hopkins University and CDC epidemiologists conducting research regarding perinatal mortality caused by iron deficiency anaemia in West Africa.

Outside of work, she leads an active lifestyle as an avid hiker, capoeirista, and swimmer.


English and Mandarin Chinese


  • Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University US – a leading school for natural medicine
  • BSc (Hons) Nutritional Science, Pennsylvania , US

Professional certifications:

  • Certified Age Management Medicine Provider, AMMG
  • Certified ReCODE Provider for reversing Alzheimer’s disease, IFM
  • Certified Peptide Provider, AMMG
  • Member of California Naturopathic Doctor Association
  • Affiliated with International Peptide Society
  • Affiliated with Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG)
  • Affiliated with International Peptide Society (IPS)

Dr Xu’s consultation fees:

New patient: HK$1550 / 60 mins
Follow up: HK$930 / 30 mins | HK$995 / 60 mins
Lab tests, remedies, supplements, and products will be charged based on the prescription needs.

Would you like to see Monica?

Call +852 2523 7121 or book online to schedule your appointment below*. 

*For instructions, please see here.



  • 阿茲海默症初期干预和预防
  • 消化道(胃酸反流、食物不耐受、肠易激综合征、小肠细菌过度生长)
  • 心血管(高血压、高血脂、新陈代谢候症、心血管老化)
  • 内分泌(甲状腺失调、男性和女性荷尔蒙问题、II型糖尿病、肾上腺素功能紊乱、更年期、肥胖、自身免疫性疾病)
  • 妇科疾病(卵巢疾病和功能失调、经期前综合症、子宫肌瘤、雌激素主导综合症)
  • 环境疾病 (重金属、霉菌病:细胞净化 – 排除体内重金属和环境激素以及代谢废物等)







在成为自然疗法医生之前,胥医生曾与约翰-霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)和CDC流行病学家团队合作研究,项目包括对西非缺铁性贫血导致的围产期死亡进行研究等。





  • 美国巴斯蒂尔大学自然医学博士 (Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine)
  • 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学营养科学学士 (Bachelor of Nutritional Science)


新症:港币 1550 / 60 分钟
覆诊:港币 930 / 30 分钟 | 港币 995 / 60 分钟

請致電診所服務部 2523 7121 預約胥醫生。


June 2020

“My hot flashes are gone. I don’t wake up from night sweats anymore!”

D.S. Palm Desert, CA

Jan 7, 2020

“I began being treated for chronic joint pain in my fingers, wrist, elbows, and knees. Dr. Xu ordered blood and stool test in an effort to determine why my body had so much inflammation daily. Once she got my test results she put me on a daily routine of vitamins and supplements. Incredibly after 4 Weeks, my symptoms started to lessen and now after about 10 weeks of taking the recipe she prescribed, I am all but done with the daily pain I have endured for years. Conventional Arthritis doctors. DID NOT EVEN scratch the surface of getting my health back. I now have an incredible quality of life that I have not had for years. Thank you so much Dr. Xu for caring enough to figure out why I had so much body inflammation and more importantly giving me my life back. Every day now is a great one. I can hike, bike, and do the things I enjoy doing.

Ray McGaugh, Palm Desert, CA“

Nov 26, 2019

“Dr. Xu at Palm Springs Life Extension has been a great help in treating my GERD ( acid reflux ) since August 2019. The nutritional supplements I have taken to re-balance my gut and get my stomach acid & flora back to a healthy state over the last few months has worked wonders. One of the beneficial side effects is the nasal polyps I have been monitoring with Desert ENT for years have completely dissolved!

Mark Miller, Yucca Valley, CA“

“Thanks again for the unrushed time that you spent with me last week and for answering all my questions, I really appreciate it. I wish that I had seen you sooner!!

R. S., Aptos, CA“

May 8, 2019

“I went back to Palm Springs Life Extension to get a second PRP facial by Dr. Monica. It’s also known as the vampire facial. I have a high-intensity makeup mirror in my bathroom and I would get depressed looking at all the little scars I’ve accumulated over my almost 60 years. After three weeks, these scars have gone away! My skin looks amazing! Dr. Monica is so nice. She walked me through the process and explained everything! She was excellent.

Allison D., Studio City, CA“

May 2017

“I had issues with missed and late periods (which were later diagnosed as PCOS); Dr. Monica helped me by getting my period perfectly on track within 3 months from my first visit. She also made a clear picture of the short and long-term goals in her approach to get my hacky hormones in balance. I believe she is not afraid to take different approaches to help any issues that may arise along the way and with patience, there will be a greater chance to see amazing results! My experience with Dr. Monica has been a great one that I will never forget. Thank you, Dr. Monica! I will continue with the tinctures and supplements!

Maryanne G., Hong Kong“

July, 2017

… I was feeling very unwell, Dr. Monica helped me by doing some tests and we found out what the problem was and how it was affecting me, I have a very bad bacteria in my intestines that I had no idea about, she got me on to numerous supplements and I’m finally starting to feel so much better, the one thing I liked was how caring she was even when I was emailing her out of work hours she took the time to email me back about concerns I had in how I was feeling, etc I found the experience very good very helpful and I would recommend Monica to anyone who unsure with why they’re feeling well.

Camille W., Hong Kong “

Feb, 2017

“I went to see Dr. MONICA XU in the summer of 2017. I had a terrible problem with my hair falling out.

Dr. Monica was so kind and understanding. She never tried to overprescribe. She was knowledgeable and always professional. I feel wonderful and my hair loss has stopped completely and my hair is regrowing wonderfully.

I would thoroughly recommend MONICA XU to anyone seeking an extremely knowledgeable naturopath – who also cares and understands!

Linda M., Hong Kong“

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