Member Directory

Dr. Melissa Lee is a Canadian naturopathic physician passionate about supporting all aspects of physical, mental, and emotional health. She is particularly skilled at identifying the root causes of stress, skin issues, allergies, digestive health concerns and hormonal dysregulation, and working with clients to create tailored, long-term solutions.

Christiane Guy is a compassionate healer who has chosen to focus on Cranial Sacral Therapy and Bowen Therapy (ISBT), but she often intuitively integrates these with other techniques she has learnt. She has always felt passionate about facilitating her client’s ability to function better in their everyday life and has helped numerous people to live fuller and healthier lives.

Dr Ardyce Yik is a Canadian licensed naturopathic physician. She specialises in women’s and children’s health; skin conditions; thyroid health; reproductive health; adrenal fatigue and illness caused by stress.

Catriona Rogers is a UK trained counselling psychologist, an executive coach (US trained), and a meditation facilitator, who brings to her work many years of experience, wisdom and compassion. She works in depth with clients on issues of self, relationships and work, empowering them to re-connect with their core strengths and their own deepest truth to ‘re-author’ their life story.

Mina is a registered Homeopath with the Society of Homeopaths in the United Kingdom. She has wide experience of treating whole families from infants to the elderly presenting with many different symptoms. Her special interests are in the treatment of mother and baby, childhood and teen problems, menstrual and menopausal symptoms as well as mental and emotional problems such as chronic anxiety, dietary disorders and stress related illnesses.

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