Joint and muscle pain
Are you living with joint and muscle pain unnecessarily?
With 20% of the population of Hong Kong turning 60 years old by 2020, when it comes to sore knees, frozen shoulders and tight hips we often look towards our older relatives or friends when thinking about joint and muscle pain.
But with a work orientated lifestyle characterised by sitting for up to 50 or more hours a week, these symptoms are no longer reserved for the our older generation. Depending on how your symptoms present, some basic changes in posture, exercise technique or active treatment could leave you with surprisingly lasting benefits. Making it clear that you don’t have to simply live with daily pain.
When looking to heal some form of muscle or joint pain it is first important to define it’s type so that you are aware of the timeline towards full recovery. An acute episode of pain is usually characterised by a sudden onset with a clear origin such as a sports injury or fall. A chronic injury is one that is persistent for over three months without improvement and is most often associated with an underlying condition such as arthritis or excessive exercise.
Often times an acute episode can be treated by one of Osteopathic or TCM practitioners often with some relief occurring in the first one or two session whereas chronic conditions will need to be assessed on a more personalised basis and could take a longer period of time to heal.