
Cristina Rodenbeck

Mindful Leadership Coach, Wellness Program Curator, Licensed Wellness Practitioner

PCC Coach (ICF), Iridology (IIPA), Bach Flower Remedies (BFRP)


Cristina Rodenbeck

Mindful Leadership Coach, Wellness Program Curator, Licensed Wellness Practitioner

PCC Coach (ICF), Iridology (IIPA), Bach Flower Remedies (BFRP)


Cristina Rodenbeck

Mindful Leadership Coach, Wellness Program Curator, Licensed Wellness Practitioner

PCC Coach (ICF), Iridology (IIPA), Bach Flower Remedies (BFRP)

Areas of expertise

  • Mindful Leadership coaching
  • Emotional and mental agility facilitation
  • Wellness program curator and speaker
  • Mindfulness facilitation
  • Energy management
  • Iris analysis in three key areas: physical, emotional and energetic

“My goal is to support individuals wanting to transform, inspire, and live with greater power, wisdom, and success; individuals that choose mindful living.”

Cristina Rodenbeck is a global advertising professional turned certified mindful leadership coach, corporate facilitator, wellness program curator, and wellness practitioner.

With over 25 years of experience working with executives across different industries and continents, she has a unique insight into the challenging lives of professionals and the need for greater resilience.

Combining mindful leadership coaching, soft skills development, and wellness therapies Cristina offers her clients the space to develop greater self-awareness, understand who they are, tap into their inner strength and wisdom, while shedding what’s not needed and what gets in the way.

Cristina starts the coaching process by conducting a 360 assessment through interviews and questionnaires to determine the different aspects of the self that might impact her clients’ performance and resilience levels. She then determines with her clients the key areas for change and partners with them on a six-session transformational mindful leadership coaching series.

Senior executives appreciate her calmness, wealth of experience, ability to challenge them in their thinking process, and support their development of emotional and mental agility during testing times. As a result, they become more aware and accountable for their thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and outcomes; they become Mindful Leaders.

Cristina is also IMI’s corporate wellness curator and keynote speaker. Partnering with local and global clients she has developed and facilitated multiple successful programs to engage and support leaders and employees to integrate well-being at work.

Committed to helping people achieve greater balance and build inner resources, Cristina also hosts monthly Mindfulness and Kirtan sessions in various locations around the city. She finds it’s also a way to replenish her own wellness cup too.

Cristina hails from Brazil and lives in Hong Kong with her husband, daughter, and labrador. As well as a renowned wellness advocate, she is a passionate sustainability and animal fare advocate.


English and Portuguese

Would you like to see Cristina?

Call +852 2523 7121 or request an appointment below, and our team will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your session.


“I was first introduced to Cristina through a family member who had benefited from her coaching sessions. Having lost my job of 15 years as a Finance manager, I was struggling with feelings of low self-esteem, poor confidence and motivation. Initially, I was dubious about the benefits of coaching, however it turned out to be a life-changing experience, which has revolutionized me as a person. Cristina asked lots of probing questions and enabled me to identify and work on my personal areas for development. She also gave me remedy drops, which helped immensely. Shortly after my coaching sessions, I received my first job offer and thereafter several more. In my new role, I am more organized and performance-driven than ever before.

Cristina is a doctor, a psychologist and a life coach all in one! I am eternally grateful to her for her time and support and would highly recommend her to anyone”

John P, Finance Industry, Hong Kong


“I have been to many healers and Cristina definitely impressed me. Experience and intuition coupled with exceptional skills in iridology and crystals enables her to clarify the unseen pattern of ongoing emotions, energy blockages and belief systems that rests in all of us. Not only does she decipher the message you need to hear, she delivers it in the firm but gentle way needed to fully absorb its wisdom. All you have to do is be open-minded and listen attentively. Growth and change can only come from inside. This is your job, nobody can do it for you – but it certainly helps to have a guiding hand on the way. Cristina is that guiding hand.

Catarina Lilliehöök, Journalist, Hong Kong


“I contacted Cristina as I wanted to heal my skin issues and overall health holistically. With my iridology report, many of my symptoms were confirmed and she was able to suggest areas to focus on to nurture and improve my health. She put together a specific plan including diet, supplements, and superfoods which have helped me tremendously. Emotions also came up in my report and I followed up with the Bach Flower Remedy which was a lifesaver. After a few weeks, I felt much more balanced, calmer and in touch with myself. I highly recommend Cristina and I am extremely grateful Cristina was able to help me on my journey to healing naturally.”

MF, Hong Kong


“I have known Cristina for many years and know her as an excellent coach who cares deeply about her clients.   Yet although I know Cristina well I was not familiar with Iridology and was curious about what this particular tool could offer me.

The Iridology session provided me with great insight into what foods, and lifestyle choices could be good (or not good) for me.   I was truly impressed not only by what the Iridology revealed but by Cristina’s wealth of knowledge around the physical and emotional aspects of wellbeing! She is truly aware of wellbeing from all angles and shared this with me in a supportive and caring manner, which helped me to take responsibility for my own health issues.”

Carole Lewis, Hong Kong

Listen to Cristina’s latest Podcast:

The Healing Power of Bach Flower Remedies

Cristina’s articles and blogs:

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