How osteopathy supports reproductive health


Safe, gentle, and entirely natural, osteopathy has been shown to support reproductive health. In fact, scientific studies[1] show that women have gone on start pregnancy within months of their last osteopathic treatment session and deliver at full-term.

Osteopathy is a manual, non-invasive therapy that focusses on realigning and rebalancing your entire body. This is important because reproductive health can be affected by any number of issues in women and men: some more obvious and others hidden.

Even after obvious reproductive blocks are treated by doctors, couples still struggle to get pregnant. Other times, doctors go through a checklist and can’t determine why a couple is having problems – with no insight into potential hidden factors, they conclude the causes are unknown.

Osteopathy does not focus on one isolated area of concern or symptom; it focusses on your whole body. This way, osteopathy finds and address any underlying factors affecting reproductive health. After all, your whole body is an interconnected system: your anatomy, physiology, and biochemical systems do not function in silo – they directly impact and influence each other. If one body system is out of balance, other body systems will inevitably fall out of balance too. Osteopaths treat the entire body and its individual systems to restore complete balance and function, thus addressing health issues and creating an optimal environment for pregnancy.

Reproductive health can be affected by structural, physiological, emotional and energetic issues – all of which an osteopath focuses on, in sequence, during treatment.


At IMI, our osteopaths begin by treating structural blockages or misalignments in the body that may be impacting the reproductive system. Muscular and fascial restrictions, and sacral and pelvic misalignment can be caused by current or prior trauma like a former car accident, fall, chronic back pain or athletic injury. These can limit mobility of the reproductive organs in both men and women. Scar tissue adhesions and lymphatic congestion can impact reproductive health too.

Your osteopath can realign and rebalance structural issues using a variety of  techniques. These include visceral manipulation, soft tissue and myofascial techniques, gentle joint manipulation, stretching, and trigger-point therapy. They can help with uterus ante or retroversion too.


Structural dysfunctions alter how the nervous and circulatory systems communicate with the pelvic organs. These dysfunctions can cause an abnormal blood flow, which can impair the flow of hormones and nutrients necessary to regulate the function of nerves and reproductive organs.

Additionally, your gut health may be impacting your sex organs, pressing on your the uterus or testicles, for example. Your osteopath will treat structural dysfunctions and, partnering with an IMI naturopath, improve gut health, which in turn, supports reproductive health.

Emotional and energetic

Stress levels in Hong Kong and around the world are at an all-time high. But even past traumatic life events or inner emotional blockages can affect your nervous system, its impact on hormonal balance, and subsequent effect on reproductive health.

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body and it’s responsible for transmitting signals from the brain to the internal organs and back again. In a calm state, your vagus nerve signals to your body to rest and recharge, but if it becomes dysregulated through chronic stress and trauma, it may constantly send signals to your body to go into stress mode, which inhibits reproductive health.

Through craniosacral therapy and with a focus on the vagus nerve pathways, your osteopath can help improve and lower an aroused sympathetic nervous system. They can release emotional stress and trauma, and realign the body to a calm state, which is supportive to a healthy pregnancy.

Osteopathy for reproductive health: a case study

Here’s an example of a client who came to IMI for osteopathic treatment. At the time, Jane* was 30 years old. Her struggles with heavy periods were impacting her life and work. During an initial in-depth consultation, it came to light that Jane had a history of hip injury – she had fallen down the stairs in her early 20s. Using trigger point therapy and visceral techniques, we treated her ilium, sacrum bones and her pelvic floor muscle, and addressed mechanical restrictions in her uterus. This, in turn, helped to improve the blood circulation to her hips and pelvis.

During a session – in a safe and trusted space – Jane shared she feared her menstrual health issues would impact her reproductive health. Through fascia techniques on her uterus and sacrum, we were able to alleviate her injury trauma at the tissular level. We also helped her to direct her breathing to her hips, lowering her stress and restoring a sense of calm. Jane’s menstrual cycles became more manageable and after five months, she became pregnant and is now overjoyed to be a mother.

If you want to improve your reproductive health, you may wish to connect with our osteopaths. Click here to schedule a consultation or call the clinic at 2523 7121.

*We respect client confidentiality. The name and identifying details have been changed to protect client identity.

[1] Kramp, Mary Ellen. “Combined Manual Therapy Techniques for the Treatment of Women with Infertility: A Case Series” Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, vol 112, no 10, 2012, pp 680-684


難以懷孕? 整骨療法助您提高生育能力



整骨療法是一種手動、非侵入性療法,專注於重新調整和重新平衡您的整個身體。這很重要,因為不孕症可以由女性或男性的不同問題引起:一些原因明顯,另一些則較隱藏。 有時,生育醫生會治療較明顯的原因,但夫妻仍然難以懷孕。由於醫生並沒有深入了解夫婦不孕的潛在隱藏因素,而無法確定夫婦不孕的原因,所以他們得出的結論是原因未知。



IMI 整骨療法治療不孕症






此外,腸道炎症亦有可能會影響性器官,例如壓迫子宮或睾丸。整骨治療師將治療結構功能障礙,並與 IMI 自然療法醫師合作,幫助緩解腸道炎症,從而提高您的受孕機會。





以下是一個來自IMI接受整骨治療的真實個案。 當時客戶Jane*30歲。她的經痛嚴重並影響了她的日常生活和工作。在最初的深入諮詢中,發現Jane有髖部受傷病史:她在20歲時從樓梯上摔下來。整骨治療師使用觸發點療法和內臟療法技術,治療了她的髂骨和骶骨以及她的骨盆底肌肉,並解決了她子宮的問題,從而有助改善她的臀部和骨盆的血液循環。


如果您正在積極為懷孕做準備或努力嘗試懷孕中,請聯繫我們的婦科整骨治療師。點擊此處預約諮詢或致電本診所 2523 7121。

*我們為尊重並保障客戶資料的機密性。 名稱和詳細信息已更改以保護客戶身份。


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