
Fibromyalgia is one of the most common, yet elusive chronic pain conditions worldwide. Medical professionals have been criticised for their inability to shed light on the disease, but breakthroughs over the last three years mean those with the disease aren’t left in darkness. 

Better diagnostic criteria allows better differentiation between fibromyalgia and other illnesses. Even more importantly, a clearer origin story about what causes it in the first place is starting to emerge. 

3-6% of the global population are known to have Fibromyalgia, it presents primarily in women, who make up approximately 75-90% of those diagnosed. 

One of the key symptoms of fibromyalgia are ‘trigger points’. These are regions where even light pressure can cause pain.

The pain can vary. Some experience a persistent dull ache, but these sensations can be much more intense.

Many people with fibromyalgia suffer with fatigue, trouble sleeping, depression, anxiety and an inability to focus or pay attention, often referred to as ‘fibro-fog’.

Depression and anxiety often go hand in hand with fibromyalgia. Counselling and other forms of psychotherapy, such as mindfulness or somatic (body-based) therapies can help you to connect with the pain in order to understand it and develop better coping strategies.

It's theorised that sufferers' brains and nervous systems may be misinterpreting or hypersensitive to normal pain signals. This is exacerbated by inflammation in the brain caused by dietary or environmental factors.

Long-term stress and traumatic events are contributing factors for fibromyalgia.

We can help you gain a deeper understanding of your triggers. If your fibromyalgia is linked to previous trauma, a psychologist or psychotherapist can help you untangle the connection between body and mind.

We can carry out tests to shed light on the underlying cause of fibromyalgia, including food sensitivity tests, DNA tests and organic acid tests.

Our osteopaths can help unearth which organs and nerves are linked to the root of the condition.

What’s next?

Simply call +852 2523 7121, or connect with us below, and we'll be in touch shortly.

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