DNA (gene-based health plans)

Personalised medicine bases on your genes

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Your genes and DNA play a significant role in your health. In fact, your genes account for some 25-30% of your health and disease risk factors. Although most genes are the same in all people, there can be small genetic variations- the most common type being single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). While most SNPs have no effect on cell function, others can affect the gene’s function, predispose you to disease, and contribute to individual differences in therapeutic responses.

Whilst you cannot change your DNA and SNPs, you can change the speed at which many of the enzymes they produce functions. A DNA assessment of your SNPs is an empowering tool to help predict your risk of developing diseases like diabetes, heart disease, mental health challenges and cognitive decline, as well as your susceptibility to environmental factors including lifestyle habits, stress levels, social world, diet, toxins and more.

Discovering your genetic blueprint with our industry-leading DNA tests can proactively protect predispositions to illness from becoming reality.

Determine your risk of developing certain chronic disease conditions by testing for specific gene variants.

The Nordic DNA test highlights specific metabolic pathways that may require extra support and indicates whether you may need to manage inflammation, oxidation or detoxification pathways. It provides an indication of the degree of susceptibility to carcinogens ingested in the diet, whether an individual is better able to reduce their cholesterol levels through diet (as opposed to through medication), and defines optimal requirements of key nutrients, minerals and vitamins for preventing genomic instability.

Detoxification and oxidative health risk methylation, lipids and cardiovascular health, and the risks of insulin and diabetes, osteoporosis, inflammation, and Alzheimer’s (APOE4) can also be explained on request.

Cost: HK$3250

Sample Report

Test for 15 genes that impact your metabolism, insulin sensitivity, satiety and feeding tendencies. The detailed results include personalised recommendations for dietary changes and an exercise programme based on your genetic make-up.

Cost: HK$2550

Sample Report

Examine various biological areas that impact your training responsiveness and sporting performance. These include soft tissue and bone formation and remodelling; inflammation; oxidative stress; oxygenation influenced by blood flow and respiration; energy and fuel production; and metabolism during exercise. You can use your knowledge of gene variations that influence your key biological areas to exploit genetic advantages and identify weaknesses that need support through appropriate diet and training strategies.

Cost: HK$2550

Sample Report

DNA Mind analyses genetic variants to assess your risk for a range of conditions.

From degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s; mood disorders like bipolar, anxiety, depression and PTSD; and addictive tendencies to alcohol, nicotine, cannabis and the potential for psychosis as a result of use.

DNA Mind also analyses inflammation, methylation, neurotransmitter pathways, endocannabinoid pathways and more.

Cheek swab run by Nordic Labs.

Cost: HK$2550

Analyse variations on 18 genes that influence skin health and ageing: collagen formation, protection from SUN & UV exposure, inflammation, and protection from oxidative stress.

Cost: HK$2550

Sample Report

Test for gene variants that impact how your oestrogen is metabolised. The test report provides the level and effects of any identified genetic variants on oestrogen metabolism as well appropriate nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to support healthy oestrogen metabolism. This test is particularly beneficial for men or women with a strong family history of breast, ovarian, colon or prostate cancer; women who suffer from oestrogen-dominant conditions like endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome and uterine fibroid tumours, or are considering oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, or IVF.

Cost: HK$2550

Sample Report

This comprehensive test includes.

  • Medcheck to study the relationship between your genes and your response to over 150 drugs
  • DNA Health to test for specific gene variants to understand the impact on your metabolic and biological processes and determine your risk of developing certain chronic disease conditions
  • DNA Sport to examine various biological areas that impact your training responsiveness and sporting performance
  • DNA diet to test for 15 genes that impact your metabolism, insulin sensitivity, satiety and feeding tendencies
  • DNA Oestrogen to determine gene variants that impact how your oestrogen is metabolised

Cost: HK$7550

In most cases, diseases or other problems do not have one single cause. They come from a combination of your genes, your lifestyle, and your environment. Epigenetics means ‘on top of’ genetics. It reveals which aspects of your choices and environment are directly impacting your health and putting you at risk of chronic illness.

Cost: HK$8500

Understand your health in detail and implement a personalized plan that holistically addresses your needs with IMI’s Diamond Package. These tests will provide a detailed analysis of your metabolism, potential nutritional imbalances, food intolerances and allergies, levels of pathogens, viruses, parasites and bacteria linked to gastrointestinal symptoms and disease, and your risk of developing certain chronic diseases.

The package include:

  • IMI Blood Panel
  • GI360 / GI MAP
  • Great Plains Lab IgG
  • Nordic Lab DNA Health
  • Great Plains Lab OAT + Glyphosate

Cost: HK$18550

What's next?

If you'd like to define your health profile, our team of naturopaths can help you identify which tests would be best based on your health needs.Alternatively, if you know the exact test you need, you can book it with one of our medical doctors.

Simply call +852 2523 7121 or complete your request below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Chinese version 中文版

您的基因對健康起著重要作用,因為基因約佔您健康和疾病風險因素的 25-30%。 儘管所有人的大多數基因都是相同的,但亦可能存在微小的遺傳變異:最常見的類型是單核苷酸多態性 (SNP)。 雖然大多數 SNP 對細胞功能沒有影響,但其他 SNP 可能會影響基因的功能,使您容易患病。

雖然您無法改變DNA和SNP,但您可以改變它們產生的許多酶的運行速度。 進行DNA評估可幫助預測您患糖尿病、心臟病、心理健康和認知能力下降等疾病的風險,以及您對環境因素(包括生活習慣、壓力水平、社交和飲食習慣等)的敏感性 、毒素等等。



Nordic DNA 測試能尋找出可能需要額外支持的特定代謝途徑,並提供了對飲食中攝入致癌物的敏感程度、個人是否能夠透過飲食(而不是透過藥物)更好地降低膽固醇水平,並確定了預防癌症的關鍵營養素、礦物質和維他命等。

解毒和氧化健康風險甲基化、脂質和心血管健康,以及胰島素和糖尿病、骨質疏鬆症、發炎和阿茲海默症 (APOE4) 的風險也可以根據要求進行分析。
















  • Medcheck 研究您的基因與您對 150 多種藥物的反應
  • DNA Health 可測試特定基因變異,以了解其對您的代謝和生物過程的影響,並確定您罹患某些慢性疾病的風險
  • DNA Sport 檢查影響您的訓練反應能力和運動表現的各種領域
  • DNA 飲食測試 15 種影響新陳代謝、胰島素敏感性、飽足感和進食傾向的基因
  • DNA 雌激素可確定影響雌激素代謝方式的基因變異






  • IMI Blood Panel
  • GI360 / GI MAP
  • Great Plains Lab IgG
  • Nordic Lab DNA Health
  • Great Plains Lab OAT + Glyphosate


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