Author Archives: Dr. Benita Perch

About Dr. Benita Perch

Dr Benita Perch is a U.S trained and licensed Naturopathic Physician; Vice President for Hong Kong's Integrative Association of Naturopaths, and the only Naturopathic Physician in Hong Kong to have completed a clinical residency. Her role as a mother, business leader, doctor and sought-after wellness speaker affords her a unique understanding of the challenges and solutions to achieve healthy work-life integration.

Prevent antibiotics – take a natural approach to boost your child’s immunity

About this time of year at IMI, we start to see more cases of colds, coughs, flu and other illnesses that become increasingly common over the winter months. Living in Hong Kong, and the combined factors of pollution, a dense population, stressful living, rapid weather changes and the overuse of medications...

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