ADHD & ADD | Health Conditions | IMI Hong Kong - Part 2

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental condition that impacts a person’s focus, impulse control and emotional responses. Studies suggest the brains of people with ADHD operate differently from their peers, which explains why they typically struggle to adapt to traditional methods of learning and behavioural norms.

This can significantly impact their daily lives, confidence and self-esteem, especially if the condition is undiagnosed or appropriate strategies are not in place to help them reach their full potential.

Wired differently, children and adults with ADHD are often natural creatives. Depending on their unique traits, they can think outside of the box, they can lead the charge for change, and they can hyper-focus to the point of excelling in areas that interest them.

At IMI, we believe that understanding a person with ADHD in their entirety, appropriately supporting them to manage any challenges they face, and tailoring strategies to help them thrive their way can lay the foundation for a happier, more fulfilling life.

Hyperactivity. Impulsiveness. Inability to focus. Aggressiveness.

These are common symptoms of ADHD. Yet, they could easily be the traits of any child. If these characteristics significantly impair a child or adult’s ability to function in aspects of their lives, you may consider testing for ADHD.

There is not a simple checklist for the condition – it presents itself differently in different people; the symptoms may be mild and easily managed or severe and disruptive.

An accurate diagnosis by a trained professional is essential for the person, loved ones and caregivers. It provides the right support to adjust, even to thrive, at home or at school.

It allows for acknowledgement, acceptance, and the creation of new and effective approaches to living and learning. This can reduce symptoms like depression, negative thoughts, low self-esteem, stress and anxiety.

Our clinical psychologists can diagnose ADHD through assessments, observations and thorough conversations.

They can work with you or your child to understand their learning styles, strengths and challenges, identifying personalised strategies to support you. This may include guidelines for your child’s school to provide a more supportive environment.

Researchers believe that biology and genes play a large role in the development of ADHD. In fact, 30 to 40 percent of children diagnosed with ADHD have relatives with the same condition.

Studies confirm there are factors that can lead to or aggravate a child’s or adult’s ADHD symptoms. Environmental stressors. Toxins. Nutritional deficiencies. Gut infections. Food intolerances. Food additives. Childhood traumas and more.

Through testing, we can identify factors that may be contributing.

Depending on your or your child’s needs, we’ll put in place a personalised, long-term plan to bolster strengths and minimise challenges. This may include:

Diagnosis of ADHD.

Individual therapy for caregivers or family therapy. This can help develop understanding of how better to support a loved one living with ADHD, useful coping mechanisms, ways of relating to each other and encouraging their strengths.

Naturopathy can optimise brain health, identifying nutritional deficiencies, food intolerances, exposure to heavy metals and more through testing.

Complementary therapies to eliminate lifestyle triggers. Osteopathic manipulation to the face and neck can alleviate ear issues, sinus congestion and breathing problems, which may be affecting hearing or sleep. Craniosacral therapy can be relaxing, healing and restorative for the nervous system.

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