Articles on supplements
Do you have sufficient levels of vitamin D?
Vitamin D is well established as an immunity-booster. But how do you know if you’re armed with the appropriate levels of Vitamin D? The chances are you’re not.
Your Essential Immune Support Kit
Chinese version 跳至中文版 Your Essential Immune Support Kit The scientists have spoken. The key nutrients your body needs to strengthen your immunity. As Hong Kong hums back to life, it’s...
Seven simple strategies to strengthen travellers’ immune systems
With the Lunar New Year holiday upon us, millions of people have planned a quick get-away, be it to rest and recharge or spend quality time with loved ones abroad....
To supplement, or not to supplement? Quality is the question – an article featured in The Standard
When choosing a supplement it's vital to consider the quality and purity of the product's ingredients, the research evidence, effectiveness of packaging and shipping and storage conditions as well what your body actually needs.
Three natural ways to supercharge your immune system
With winter now in full swing, it becomes all the more necessary to give our immune systems a powerful boost against bugs. At IMI, we recommend three easy, yet impactful...
Breakfast for champions: start your child’s day the right way – an article featured in The Standard
Improved concentration, academic performance, energy, behaviour and mood are all linked to eating a healthy breakfast before the school day.
Brain-boosting breakfast recipes for super smart students
Power the brain with porridge Oats are a wonderful wholegrain, says Graeme. “A rich source of magnesium and potassium, B-complex, vitamin E, some protein and plenty of soluble fibre, regular intake...
Breakfast for champions: start your child’s day the right way
Breakfast is essential for the brain, researchers advise. Did you know around 30% of students in Hong Kong skip breakfast? Here’s some food for thought: in two internationally recognized tests,...
You can grow a new brain every day
In one of the biggest neuroscience discoveries of the past 20 years, scientists recently revealed that our brain can generate around 700 newborn brain cells every day and especially at...
Brain boosters. Recommended by practitioners.
Our brains mediate our world. Inner and outer. They form connections. Govern our bodies. Keep memories alive. Motivate us to follow our passions. Nurturing our brain is vital, but often...
Sleep tight with magnesium glycinate
An alarming 60-70% of Hong Kong residents have insufficient levels of magnesium, according to a recent Government study. Low levels of magnesium have been associated with increased levels of stress...
Sleep tight with our practitioners’ favourite supplements
Read our practitioners' picks for safe and effective natural supplements to help you overcome stress and sleeplessness, for better bedtimes.
Why do you need magnesium?
Most older teen and adult diets are at least 100mg short of the recommended daily intake of 350-400mg depending on body weight. Magnesium is often removed from commonly consumed processed...
Melatonin and sleep
Ever tried Melatonin when you’ve had trouble sleeping, and it hasn’t worked? Well, there might be a reason for that, Melatonin might not be the right choice for what you’re...
Why living in Hong Kong may influence your need for supplements
Why some people believe in the benefits of supplements In the ‘yes’ camp, we have had years of recommendations from the medical community, and the common-sense idea that we likely...