
Karen Lau 劉祉君

Clinical Psychologist

Registered Psychologist (Singapore), MBPsS Div.Clin.Psy., Associate APA Soc.Clin.Psy., Affiliate MAPS, M.Psy. (Clinical) (NUS, Singapore), M.Psy.Med. (Psychosis Studies) (HKU, Hong Kong), B.A. (Psychology) (ANU, Australia)


Karen Lau 劉祉君

Clinical Psychologist

Registered Psychologist (Singapore), MBPsS Div.Clin.Psy., Associate APA Soc.Clin.Psy., Affiliate MAPS, M.Psy. (Clinical) (NUS, Singapore), M.Psy.Med. (Psychosis Studies) (HKU, Hong Kong), B.A. (Psychology) (ANU, Australia)


Karen Lau 劉祉君

Clinical Psychologist

Registered Psychologist (Singapore), MBPsS Div.Clin.Psy., Associate APA Soc.Clin.Psy., Affiliate MAPS, M.Psy. (Clinical) (NUS, Singapore), M.Psy.Med. (Psychosis Studies) (HKU, Hong Kong), B.A. (Psychology) (ANU, Australia)

Areas of expertise

  • Anxiety (e.g. social, self-image, obsessive behaviours, phobias)
  • Depression
  • Emotional dysregulation (e.g. chronic self-harm, anger)
  • Supporting people with OCD, eating disorders and personality disorders. 
  • Trauma

“I deeply empathise with each individual’s struggle with mental health. As every developmental trajectory is uniquely shaped by one’s predisposed context, treatment is tailored to the individual and guided by a comprehensive formulation, while closely adhering to evidence-based practice.”

Karen Lau is a Clinical Psychologist and received her training in leading institutions of the Asia-Pacific region (National University of Singapore, The University of Hong Kong and Australian National University) so as to better serve clients facing challenges in this unique context. She offers online consultations for Hong Kong, Singapore and globally.

Karen has a special interest and expertise in supporting adolescents and adults who struggle with anxiety disorders: Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), phobias, and panic attacks. 

Her interests and expertise also extend to working with adolescents and adults who struggle with chronic self-harm, high emotional dysregulation, and Borderline Personality Disorder. 

Karen applies comprehensive evidence-based treatments including Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and effective third wave therapies such as Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), and Schema Therapy. Karen’s clients have also benefited from specific treatments such as Imagery Rescripting for early traumatic experiences, mindfulness for acute stress, and Narrative Therapy for anger management.

Karen has worked with a culturally and demographically diverse client base in psychology clinics, national hospitals, and community settings in Singapore and Hong Kong. Karen is effectively trilingual and able to conduct treatment in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

When she is off clinical duties, Karen dedicates much of her time to humanitarian work, a cause close to her heart. Karen has taught in developing countries such as Ghana, Madagascar, Mongolia, mainland China and the Philippines. She has served with Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) where she conducted research to support field operations in Myanmar; and UNICEF, where she advocated for children’s welfare in Hong Kong and the Philippines. Karen also regularly assists children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders in therapeutic activities such as sailing and horseback riding.


English, Mandarin, Cantonese

Karen’s consultation fees:

New patient: HK$2200 / 60 mins
Follow up: Please enquire here

劉祉君  臨床心理學家


  • 焦慮症 (如:社交焦慮、憂慮自我形象、強迫症、恐懼症)
  • 抑鬱症
  • 人格障礙
  • 情緒失調 (如:自我傷害、憤怒管理)
  • 創傷後壓力症候群

臨床心理學家Karen劉祉君曾在亞太地區的頂尖學府(新加坡國立大學、香港大學、澳洲國立大學)接受心理學的專業培訓。她尤善於幫助焦慮症患者包括: 社交焦慮症(SAD)、強迫症(OCD)、各樣的恐懼症、及恐慌症。她的專長亦包括治療有慣性自我傷害、高度情緒失調和人格障礙的青少年和成人。為幫助患者克服這些挑戰,Karen採用全面的實證治療(evidence-based treatment)包括: 認知行為治療(CBT)和第三波的治療如辯證行為治療(DBT)、接受與承諾治(ACT)、慈悲焦點治療(CFT)和基模治療(Schema Therapy)。Karen亦會使用特定的治療方法如運用影像重寫(Imagery Rescripting)於早期創傷、運用正念(Mindfulness)於急性壓力和運用敘事治療(Narrative Therapy)於憤怒管理等。





新症:港幣 2200 / 60 分鐘

Would you like to see Karen?

Call +852 2523 7121 or request an appointment below, and our team will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your session.

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