Vaginal thrush

Research shows that 75% of people with vaginas will have thrush at some point in their life.

Thrush is caused by the fungus, candida, which occurs naturally in the gut and vaginal microbiome. Overgrowth causes thrush, upsetting the pH balance of your vagina. Men can also contract thrush, but it’s much less common.

Thrush is not an STI, but it can be passed on through sex.

If you’re experiencing recurrent thrush, you should seek advice from a medical professional.

In women, thrush causes itching and irritation. It can be sore to pee or have sex.

Vaginal discharge may change, becoming thicker and whiter, like cottage cheese. Usually, the discharge doesn’t smell, but if it does, it will smell like yeast.

Men may not experience any symptoms of thrush. If they do, thrush can produce a similar discharge, but it usually smells.

Men may also experience soreness, irritation and difficulty pulling back their foreskin.

Sex can trigger thrush, and it is sometimes (but not often) passed on during sex.

Low immunity is a key trigger, and this may be caused by poor diet, insufficient levels of nutrients, stress, taking antibiotics, or underlying conditions that affect your immunity, like diabetes.

Taking oral contraceptives or HRT can also increase your susceptibility to thrush.

Fragranced products can upset your pH balance. Because Candida thrives in acidic environments, this can lead to thrush. Choose plain soaps when you wash your genitals to protect your natural pH balance.

The health of your vaginal microbiome plays a key role in your risk of developing thrush.

Our Female Ecologix test analyses the bacterial balance of your vagina to gain a better understanding of what may be causing thrush.

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