
Tej BG

Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Medical Herbalist

ND, Dip Nutr. Dip HerbMed (Aust)


Tej BG

Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Medical Herbalist

ND, Dip Nutr. Dip HerbMed (Aust)


Tej BG

Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Medical Herbalist

ND, Dip Nutr. Dip HerbMed (Aust)

Areas of expertise and interest

  • Physical and mental fatigue, stress response, sleep
  • Hormonal imbalances, males and females
  • Digestive disorders
  • Immune health
  • Food intolerances, sensitivites, diets, weight
  • Toxicity and Naturopathic detoxification

“I value the importance of science and spirituality working together. It allows me to bring an informed and compassionate approach to my clients.”

Tej BG is an Australian trained Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist and Medical Herbalist. He is one of the Partners and Directors of IMI. His approach to healing combines current science with tradition, providing integrative individualised solutions for clients with the key task being the welfare of the client with the most appropriate approach.

Natural health care serves all – hence he partners with his clients in treating a wide range of acute to chronic health conditions in children and in adults. He is particularly sought after to help with unresolved difficult health complaints. The holistic art of healing goes beyond addressing the symptoms so Tej takes care when trying to understand and modulate the source of these problems.

At IMI he supports problems related to physical and mental energy, stress response, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, digestive function, skin disorders, immunity, aging process, weight challenges, diets, food sensitivities and intolerances, toxicity and detoxification amongst others.

He takes a varied approach to building awareness and can include a holistic case history and occasionally blood, saliva, hair, urine and stool tests to help reveal the state of health of his clients. Health is much more than the absence of disease.

He works closely with his clients to create wellness and harmony using natural modalities, western and eastern herbal medicine, nutritional and dietary analysis, homeopathic remedies, lifestyle modification, energetics and other therapies to support the body, mind and spirit. He also focuses on preventive medicine through programs such as clinical detox, cleanses and other healing methods. A balance of these therapies is used according to the individuals health, physical flexibility and mental capacity. Working responsibly and respectfully with other holistic therapists and medical doctors is a part and parcel of the journey when necessary.

Tej runs supervised Clinical Detox programs for all stages such as the 10-Day Detox for Busy People, Private Detoxes and Cleanses for the young, mums-to-be and seniors. He also supports clients with environmental and heavy metal toxicity. He believes that a clean and non-toxic body can respond and benefit much more effectively to treatments of other modalities, especially due to current lifestyle and environmental challenges.

Besides his services at IMI, Tej shares his presence with his children and wife who also is an integrative health practitioner. He engages in spiritual practices.

Tej is available for in clinic, phone and online consultations from Hong Kong and Overseas.



Tej’s consultation fees:

New patient / long visit: HK$1600 / 60 mins
Follow up: HK$980 / 30 mins
Lab tests, remedies, supplements, and products will be charged based on the prescription needs.

Would you like to see Tej?

Call +852 2523 7121 or request an appointment below, and our team will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your session.

Tej’s Methods:


“After experiencing severe health problems, 3 trips to the emergency room and a hospital stay with no solutions from traditional medicine, I was desperately looking for answers and for help. That’s how I discovered Tej. I was surprised how thoroughly he looked into my health. He was able to get to the root of the problem taking that extra step to look deeper than required. During the treatment, I was very pleased with the follow up and personal attention. My health has completely turned around and I have a new foundation of optimal health from every aspect. I am so grateful to Tej.”

Juliana R., PhD


“I originally came to Tej for guidance in naturopathy with the hopes that he could further my recovery from chronic fatigue symptoms. I was immediately put at ease by his calm nature and professional and thorough approach to a very complicated case.

Along with getting me on the right path with nutrition and herbs, he introduced me to the wonders of homeopathy. Prior to working with IMI, I had sought the advice of several specialists in Hong Kong and, yet, not one doctor has been able to address and improve as many issues as Tej has. I now have my 5 year old daughter working with Tej in the hopes that we can improve her immune system and address certain digestive and developmental issues. In just two weeks, we already see some very positive results.

Tej has been a good teacher, allowing me to walk away from consults with a better understanding of natural medicine and how it fits into my world. I never thought I would be back on my feet!

Thank you, Tej, for so many wonderful gifts.”

Lissa K., Mother & Social Worker


“Both my son Lachlan and I have been seeing Tej and have experienced amazing results.

From approximately 7 months of age, Lachlan experienced recurring ear infections and respiratory problems resulting in numerous visits to the doctors and multiple courses of antibiotics. I was becoming increasingly concerned with the amount of antibiotics Lachlan was being given, with the final straw being him prescribed three different courses of antibiotics in one month. A good friend of mine recommended I take Lachlan to see Tej and as a result Lachlan is now a healthy toddler!! A combination of herbs, remedies and a change in diet has resulted in Lachlan not requiring antibiotics since working with Tej. Most importantly though, he is now at the point where his body is able to fight off minor infections before they become more serious. Whilst I am not suggesting that the ‘natural’ process has been easy, in particular the difficulty associated with changing Lachlan’s diet has caused me considerable angst, the results have all been worth the extra work. To see Lachlan transform from a constantly unwell boy to a toddler who is now healthy and full of energy is something that a mother cannot put a price on.

After four cycles of IVF, two miscarriages and a dose of giardia, my immune was extremely weak and falling pregnant did not seem achievable. I originally went to see Tej to try and increase my immune system before commencing another IVF cycle but was pleasantly surprised to find that he could also work on my fertility issues concurrently. Within three weeks of taking herb and other remedies, my energy levels returned and getting out of bed was no longer a struggle. However, the biggest surprise was two months later when he found out that I had conceived naturally, something which my fertility specialist had told me was an almost impossible task.

Both Lachlan and I have come a long way since seeing Tej and I am very grateful for the improvement he has made to both of our lives. Natural medicine is a wonderful alternative and complement to traditional medicine and my only wish is that I had been introduced to Tej earlier.”

R.B., Mother


“I was apathetic and restless, experiencing difficulty to focus, overcome with dark thoughts and an overwhelming feeling of living in an tunnel with no way out. I had never felt anything like this before in my life. My general doctor had suggested antidepressants which I refused several times and I had counselling sessions as well.

I was recommended to see Tej by a friend who had been treated by him before. To me the initial goal was mainly a way to gain back some of my lost energy and I didn’t expect much more out of it. During my preparatory session with Tej, I had the occasion to explain my feelings and sensations. As a result, Tej designed a strategy to address my issues. The initial program went well and I felt better instantly. However, the real treatment started after that. I had a few more sessions with Tej, spread approximately every 3 weeks, on my request. During each of them, he listened to me and exchanged thoughts with me. He revised the treatment strategy accordingly and did some tests. Over the weeks, progressive changes occurred. I started to calm down, became capable of channeling my energy into the things I wanted to – just like before, if not better – and I am now in one of the best shape of my life and fully recovered.

There is more than natural remedies, though. Although it is hard to tell exactly where my recovery came from, I am convinced that the sessions of ‘Healings’ that he performed on top of the ‘regular’ naturopathic sessions were absolutely key. Indeed, Tej has wide range of ‘arsenal’ to heal people, and if they are willing to experiment out-of-the-box practices, he is happy to do so. In my case, I had two of these, and they had instantaneous effect on personal issues that had burdened me for almost 40 years. I feel very fortunate to have met Tej at a time of my life where I was looking for help and was receptive. I would have probably dismissed him in other periods of my life: his words just sounded too good to be true (‘I will try to put you back in your optimal state within a certain period, at a time where I could barely stand up in the morning and go to work or deal with my family and children). Actually, Tej is a man of his words and he is capable of making wonders.”

Mr. O., Banker


“I went to see Tej about a year ago by a friend’s recommendation and can now reflect on how much my life has changed because of his help.

Four years ago, I had a few inconclusive stays at the hospital with fever, fainting, digestive problems, and abdominal pain, all coming on quite suddenly. After a false diagnosis of appendicitis was cleared, I was sent home only to continue with a variety of related symptoms. Doctors henceforth in Italy, America, and Hong Kong diagnosed me with either Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s disease after extensive testing in each case. There was never a confident conclusion about my ailment, and each doctor prescribed different medicine and lifestyle changes. All three doctors said I would have to manage my illness with medication for life and expect flare-ups and hospital visits every now and then. This diagnosis of “chronic” also made me feel scared, frustrated, and confused. I experienced a great amount of stress due to the seemingly inescapable and questionable nature of the illness. I found it difficult to tell many of my friends or co-workers what was going on because of this.

In Hong Kong, I worked with an energy and massage healer for a sports injury that began to change the way I view medicine. As an intense athlete, sport was something else I then had a confusing relationship with; doctors gave me completely different advice about exercise and my illness. The healer suggested a problem with gluten, and after three weeks of abstaining from the protein I felt much more energetic.

Later, however, I got sick enough to send me to the hospital again. Feeling frustrated and energy drained, I then visited Tej just for some advice of how to better use diet to control my illness. I never even considered a cure was possible. Tej looked at my whole system and also did some tests, then integrated many strategies to help. After a series of diet and lifestyle changes (including a lighter approach to exercise), herbal medicines and other remedies, I am now living healthily without medicine and with much more energy and much less stress. Some of the changes were challenging at first, but by sticking with them, I have profited greatly and can’t imagine changing back. Before, I had nightmares about the disease that consumed and controlled me; now, I feel I am living a dream-life. I have since recommended Tej’s help to my friends, knowing that they, too, will be in caring, intelligent, and intuitive hands.”

K.W., PhD Student


“I took my then 4 and a half year old daughter to see Tej as I was seeking a natural option to reduce her frequent visits to our GP for her upper respiratory tract infections (every 8 weeks or so). Starting primary school and the need of more frequent travel on mass transportation was another impetuous for us to seek a natural alternative to boost her immunity (apart from looking at her diet and lifestyle habits). Tej explained and offered solutions that helped us in providing natural remedies for a happy, healthy and focused child!

At the same time, our Helper was going through a “health phase” where numerous blood tests taken did not offer an insight or solution for her dizzy spells. Tej patiently analyzed and evaluated her new test results, eating habits and body constitution – with a combination of homeopathic, herbal and nutritional changes our helper no longer complains of her dizzy spells. As a result, she is much happier and better “equipped” with dealing with daily chores in the home and family. She also learnt a life-long understanding of eating and nutrition.”

Y.Y., Mother and Professional


“I was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of years ago and had surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Subsequent to this totally unexpected diagnosis, I did a lot of reading and and came to the conclusion that further conventional treatment would be to go down the slippery slope of no return.

I was advised on this occasion to consult Tej. What an excellent recommendation! Tej is one of the most conscientious, knowledgeable and committed medical professionals I have consulted. What has most impressed me is that everytime I have questioned him about a new cancer initiative, he has heard of it, or if not researches the matter to then give me advice. Without exception, not one of my ‘cancer’ doctors had any interest / knowledge about any other approaches to cancer. The second very important fact is that Tej has tailored my treatment to my individual requirements; one strategy most certainly does not fit all clients.

I now live in the UK but am fortunate that Tej will be able to continue my care by telephone consultation. It’s a 2 way relationship as I keep Tej informed of my progress and any useful facts I hear related to cancer success stories.

A diagnosis of cancer is devastating for anyone and any positive information is gratefully received.”

Julie R., Nurse

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