
Rita Kwong 鄺恩慰


MSc Physio, MSc Sports medicine


Rita Kwong 鄺恩慰


MSc Physio, MSc Sports medicine


Rita Kwong 鄺恩慰


MSc Physio, MSc Sports medicine

Areas of expertise:

  • Acute injury & chronic pain
  • Women’s health & pelvic floor
  • Spinal injuries, pain & headaches
  • Exercise rehabilitation
  • Pre and post-natal care

“It’s immensely rewarding to witness my clients become stronger and healthier.”

Rita is a holistic physiotherapist, registered in Hong Kong and the UK and has worked for the NHS and in private practices.

Her holistic treatment combines manual therapy, dry needling and tailored exercise programmes. Rita works with a wide range of clients and specialises in supporting recovery from musculoskeletal issues, sports injuries and better pelvic floor health.

Rita takes pride in supporting her clients through their rehabilitation and body conditioning journey, helping them discover their healthiest self. She provides her clients with a comprehensive treatment plan, while empowering them with deeper knowledge of their conditions ability to manage them.

Her passion lies in women’s health, supporting pre-natal women prepare for pregnancy, and recover from their pregnancy when post-natal.

As a qualified Pilates instructor and ballet teacher, Rita has a keen interest in conditioning, performance enhancement and injury prevention for athletes, dancers and sports enthusiasts.

Rita is trained in acupuncture and dry needling, as well as pre-hospital immediate care in sport.

Rita has danced ballet since childhood, fulfilling her dream of teaching. When she qualified as a Pilates instructor, she was inspired to deeper her knowledge and became a physiotherapist.


English, Cantonese & Mandarin

Rita’s fees:

New patient / Follow up: HK$1600 / 45 mins
Lab tests, remedies, supplements, and products will be charged based on the prescription needs.

鄺恩慰 – 註冊物理治療師

Rita 是一位香港和英國的註冊物理治療師,曾在英國NHS和英港兩地的私人物理治療診所工作。 她致力爲客戶提供全面的治療及復康計劃,結合手法治療、針灸和量身定製的運動治療。她專注於支援肌肉骨骼相關問題、運動創傷和骨盆健康。

Rita除了為客戶提供綜合性的治療計劃,同時亦增強他們對病情的認識和自我管理能力。 她熱衷於治療女性健康,支援女仕為懷孕做好準備,以及產後的恢復。 作為合資格的普拉提教練和芭蕾舞老師,Rita 對專業運動員、舞蹈員和運動愛好者的體能訓練、提高運動表現和預防受傷都具有專業經驗。 Rita 接受過針灸培訓,並具備運動急救的資格。





急性受傷和慢性疼痛、女性健康、 骨盆健康 、頸因性頭痛、運動康復、產前和產後護理


新症或覆診:港幣 1600 / 45 分鐘

Would you like to see Rita?

Call +852 2523 7121 or request an appointment below, and our team will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your session.

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