Metabolic and toxin assessment

Tracking down and measure toxins that are hiding in your body.

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No matter how clean and green you live your life, we are all different, including how effectively we detoxify. In Hong Kong we are exposed to toxins every single day. They’re lurking everywhere. In the air we breathe and the water and foods we consume. In skincare products, household cleaning products, household furnishings and more.

Toxins can cause or exacerbate an extensive list of health issues like digestive challenges, skin conditions, fatigue, infertility, behavioural and learning challenges, dementia and Parkinson’s Disease.

Our industry-leading tests are proven to track down and measure toxins that are hiding in your body and hindering your health and wellbeing.

OMX Organic Metabolomics assesses how well your body is processing substances – and can identify deviations that underly or precede disease.

This test analyses organic and amino acids; protein metabolism; nutritional status; stress & mood; microbial metabolites; mitochondrial health and the impacts of toxins.

This test reveals your unique metabolic signature so we can personalise your treatment plan to your biology.

This is a urine test by Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory.

Cost: HK$3650

Sample Report

This profile creates a full picture of your oxidative stress levels by analysing total and reduced glutathione levels, alongside F2-isoprostane, and 8-OH-2deoxyguanosine.

Oxidative stress is a key factor in aging and chronic illness, and poor organ health.

This is a blood and urine test by Precision Point Diagnostics via Pathlab.

Cost: HK$ 4500

Sample Report

Check your total glutathione levels to assess if you have a sufficient level of the ‘master antioxidant’ in your body.

Glutathione is key for anti-aging, protection against pollutants, immunity and reducing oxidative stress and fatigue.

This is a blood test by Govita.

Cost: HK$1350

Sample Report

This test measures levels of NAD+, a coenzyme found in all of our cells. NAD+ levels decline with age. This test gives a good gauge of how fast you’re aging.

Inadequate levels of NAD+ contributes to higher levels of oxidative stress, leading to faster aging, and lower energy levels.

Blood test by Govita.

Cost: HK$1500

Sample Report

Test for eleven different mycotoxins from 40 species of mould.

Mycotoxins are released by mould (fungi), which can grow on almost any surface. Some of the most prevalent toxins lurk in our homes, schools and offices. Diseases and symptoms linked to mould exposure include allergic rhinitis and asthma, skin rashes, sinusitis, asthma, raised liver enzymes, headaches and fatigue.

Genetically some people are more prone to the toxic effects of mould. They may develop chronic fatigue, muscle pain, sharp stabbing pains, depression, excessive thirst and increased urination, and an odd tendency to experience static shocks.

If you are more sensitive to mould, you may also experience sweats and temperature regulation problems, mental fatigue, memory issues, mood swings, aches and muscle cramps, light sensitivity, numbness and tingling. Some people develop chronic fungal growth in the sinuses or lungs, which do not respond to antibiotics.

This one morning-urine sample can provide important insight into the cause of your health conditions.

Cost: HK$3800

Sample Report

Screen for the presence of 172 different toxic non-metal chemicals found in products like pharmaceuticals, pesticides, packaged foods, household products, and environmental pollution with this simple morning-urine test.

These toxins have been linked to chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, ADD/ADHD, autoimmune disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, allergies and more.

This test identifies the presence of organophosphate pesticides, plastic phthalates, benzene from petroleum pollution, xylene and vinyl chloride, pyrethroid insecticides, acrylamide, perchlorate, diphenyl phosphate, ethylene oxide, and acrylonitrile. It also indicates damage to the mitochondria (cell energy production organelles) by measuring Tiglylglycine.

In the same urine sample, we can measure the presence of glyphosate – the world’s most widely produced herbicide linked to chronic health problems including metabolic disorder, diabetes, depression, autism, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease and cancers.

Cost: HK$4150

Sample Report: GPL-TOX Profile | Glyphosate

This highly recommended urine test provides a comprehensive snapshot of your metabolism. It tests for certain acids that bacteria and yeast can produce, as well as organic acid wastes from your metabolism and brain neurotransmitters. Abnormal acid levels indicate metabolic and gut imbalances, which can contribute to health challenges like behaviour disorders, hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, fatigue and immune dysfunction.

The test also reports some mycotoxins and Candida yeast levels as well as vitamin and mineral levels - indications of neurotransmitter levels which are otherwise hard to gauge. It can reveal oxidative stress, glutathione sufficiency, toxic effects on the mitochondria and of any oxalates - all of which are linked to multiple chronic illnesses, and so many more markers.

The OAT test can be combined with the GPL Mycotox and/or GPL TOX at a reduced package price to provide comprehensive insight into fatigue, mental disorders and toxic exposure.

Cost: HK$3350

Sample Report

Analyse your red blood cells (RBC) to determine the status of vitamins and minerals in your system. With a small blood sample, we can test for deficiencies or excesses of elements that are of high importance to cell function, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, iron, boron, and molybdenum.

These imbalances can lead to a range of health issues like anaemia, cardiovascular disease, impaired glucose tolerance, immune function challenges, inflammation, gastrointestinal symptoms and more.

RBC element analysis is also useful for assessing ongoing or very recent exposure to specific toxic elements like arsenic, cadmium, lead, methylmercury and thallium that tend to accumulate in red blood cells. Do keep in mind that elevated levels of the toxic elements in these cells reflect recent or ongoing exposure and do not provide information about the net retention of the metals in the body.

What makes this test stand out from many other red blood cells element tests is the fact that the cells are not washed. Your results will not be skewed by the partial loss of important elements that bind to the plasma membrane.

Cost: HK$3850

Sample Report

Evaluate your body’s accumulation and excretion of toxic metals. While acute metal poisoning is rare, chronic low-level exposure to toxic metals can cause significant retention in your body. These toxic heavy metals are linked to adverse health effects and chronic disease including alopecia, bone density, cardiovascular disease, depression, fatigue, gastrointestinal symptoms, hypertension and nutritional deficiencies. For children, common effects include reduced mental performance or ADHD.

To evaluate net retention, your IMI practitioner will compare the levels of metals in your urine before and after the administration of a chelating metal detoxification agent. This sequesters "hidden" metals from deep tissue stores and mobilizes the metals to your kidneys for excretion in the urine.

At the same time, we can gauge your nutritional status and the efficacy of mineral supplementation during metal detoxification therapy. Some types of heavy metal detoxification agents (chelation agents) can significantly increase the excretion of specific nutrient elements such as zinc, copper, manganese and molybdenum, so are best to be monitored.

Post-provocation only - HK$1550
Add Essential Elements (minerals) - HK$1950
Pre and post-provocation with essential mineral elements - HK$2945

Sample Report

Test for abnormal levels of urinary poryphins (oxidised metabolites of heme biosynthesis) linked to anaemia, autism, genetic disorders, oxidative stress and high-level exposure to toxic metals and some pollutants. This non-invasive test requires a single first morning void or 24-hour urine collection.

Cost: HK$2060

Sample Report

Assess your dietary and oral exposure to potentially toxic metals with this comprehensive stool test. This test evaluates levels of thallium and gadolinium which are of increasing potential concern, plus 14 other potentially toxic elements including mercury exposure from dental amalgams.

Cost: HK$1980

Sample Report

Measure your neurotransmitter levels with this simple, yet comprehensive urine test.

Imbalanced levels of neurotransmitters - chemical messengers used by the nervous system to relay information from one nerve to another - can cause the brain and the body to be over- or under-stimulated, producing neurological or psychological symptoms. These include anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue, impulsivity, insomnia, PMS or PMDD (pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder).

Cost: HK$3250

Sample Report

What's next?

If you'd like to define your health profile, our team of naturopaths can help you identify which tests would be best based on your health needs.Alternatively, if you know the exact test you need, you can book it with one of our medical doctors.

Simply call +852 2523 7121 or complete your request below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Traditional Chinese version 繁體中文版


















我們有不同的套餐組合,如OAT測試與GPL黴菌毒素和/或GPL TOX一起測試,和套餐優惠價。希望通過此檢測幫助您對疲乏、精神障礙和有害物質的代謝有更全面和更深度的了解。



您的IMI問診醫生會對您服用螯合金屬解毒劑之前和之後尿液中的金屬水平做比較。這樣子就可以間接的檢查到體內細胞中 "隱藏 "的金屬的水平,及可以通過腎臟在尿液中排泄出來的有毒重金屬的總量。




只包括使用螯合劑後的重金屬含量尿檢: HK$1550

加上基本的微量元素在尿檢裡的水平: HK$1950

在服用螯合劑前和之後加上基本的微量元素在尿檢裡的水平: HK$2945



這項測試幫助評估您日常飲食中潛在的多種重金屬暴露或攝入情況。其中包括(近日讓人擔憂的)鉈Thallium和钆Gadolinium的潛在水平,以及 14 種對身體有害的重金屬元素,例如補牙常用的汞合金中汞的暴露。







如果您知道您所需要的確切測試,並且不需要治療計劃,您可以通過我們的醫生預訂所需的測試來開始。請致電2523 7121或填寫查詢電子表格


Simplified Chinese version 简体中文版


















我们有不同的套餐组合,如OAT测试GPL霉菌毒素和/或GPL TOX一起测试,和套餐优惠价。希望通过此检测帮助您对疲乏、精神障碍和有害物质的代谢有更全面和更深度的了解。



您的IMI问诊医生会对您服用螯合金属解毒剂之前和之后尿液中的金属水平做比较。这样子就可以间接的检查到体内细胞中 "隐藏 "的金属的水平,及可以通过肾脏在尿液中排泄出来的有毒重金属的总量。




只包括使用螯合剂后的重金属含量尿检: HK$1550

加上基本的微量元素在尿检里的水平: HK$1950

在服用螯合剂前和之后加上基本的微量元素在尿检里的水平: HK$2945



这项测试帮助评估您日常饮食中潜在的多种重金属暴露或摄入情况。其中包括(近日让人担忧的)铊Thallium和钆Gadolinium的潜在水平,以及 14 种对身体有害的重金属元素,例如补牙常用的汞合金中汞的暴露。







如果您知道您所需要的确切测试,并且不需要治疗计划,您可以通过我们的医生预订所需的测试来开始。请致电2523 7121或填写查询电子表格


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